Quick Start
For normal RESTful APIs with JSON data, first you need to create a model structure, which represents the expected result:
struct Landmark: Hashable, Codable { var id: Int var name: String var park: String var state: String var description: String}
If you want to process the data manually or have a different type of API, you can create your own fetcher function. Check here for more examples.
Then you can import Gravity and start using it inside any view components:
import SwiftUIimport Gravity
struct LandmarkList: View { @SWR<URL, Landmark>(url: "https://example.org/api/endpoint") var api var body: some View { if let landmarks = api.data { List(landmarks, id: \.id) { landmark in LandmarkRow(landmark: landmark) } } }}
Normally, there're 3 possible states of a request: "loading", "ready", or "error". You can use the value of data
and error
determine the current state of the request, and return the corresponding UI.